Throughout January, the Construction Employers Federation (CEF) is running its annual Safety Reboot initiative.
The campaign aims to encourage construction companies to take time to focus on key areas of health and safety. This month, we will explore a different topic each week, ranging from working at height to mental health and wellbeing.
Working at height
HSE’s latest statistics demonstrate that working at height remains one leading causes of fatalities and major injuries in the construction industry.
Sufficient time must be allocated to plan all works at height, including those below 2m, in advance of work commencing. Risks must be assessed and suitable control measures identified. These must be communicated to all those involved before commencing any work at height.
Link to campaign: week 2: working at height
Mental health and wellbeing
It is just as important to prioritise your mental health as it is to look after your physical health.
In addition to potential work and family stresses, during the winter period you may experience mixed feelings about the cold weather, dark mornings, post-holiday blues, and possibly January’s credit card bill.
According to the Office for National Statistics, construction workers are nearly four times more likely to take their own lives than those in other sectors.
Link to campaign: week 3: mental health and wellbeing
Slips, trips, and falls
HSE statistics reveal that slipping and tripping are the most common causes of major injuries in UK workplaces. On average, they account for 40% of all reported major injuries and can also lead to other serious accidents, such as falls from height.
Link to campaign: week 4: slips, trips, and falls